We perform the planing of the wood and calibration services.
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The planed timber, due to its smooth surface, is easily dyed or varnished. After the planing and staining the surface texture of the wood is highlighted. In addition, the timber is easy to maintain. The planed timber includes a wide range of products. The raw of the planed timber is made from a high quality pine, fir or larch. The quality of planed wood products is guaranteed by a special system of quality. The planed products are downgraded by the quality classes; and accurate woodworking eliminates the need for additional grinding.
Our big range of products include a wide variety of profiles, if necessary, we can plan the wood product according to your drawing. The planed wood products can also be planed with tongue and groove boards at the ends that minimize waste.
Due to sophisticated processing of double-cut and dried wood we obtain an accurate and final timber product. The main advantage of planed timber is dimensional accuracy and smooth surface of the board from all four sides.
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